Hi everyone! Welcome 2023 - it's a new year, with new ideas and renewed motivation. Please scroll down for a new link! Yup, that's me! In the spirit of new, I've decided to add future blog entries to my website keeping all my endeavours in one place (which also means a little less management too!).Here's a link to the blog on my website. You'll find the menu a little different and arranged by continent. Thanks for sticking with me!
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Malaga 2019 – Part 6
And so it was that we found ourselves in Malaga! Neither of us had been before and if I'm honest I'd never thought to visit until quite recently. We'd been hearing good things about Malaga during the past year and so decided to check it out. We'd arrived tired and under the cover of darkness and hadn't really taken in our surroundings, so our bleary eyes were pleasantly surprised by the morning view. Breakfast was in sight! The town is
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UK 2019 – Part 5
Just look at these two! These faces greeted us in Balham! Introducing brothers Mustaine and Anchovy. They were huge personalities and well, just huge cats! Balham was a wonderful surprise to me. I loved it! Our new home was in a clean, quiet street just around the corner from a lively, interesting part of town. We were surrounded by open park spaces and in easy reach of Tooting, Streatham and Wandsworth. All these areas had their own unique colourful character
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UK 2019: Part 4
Yes, we returned to Brighton! As I mentioned, this year we planned to spend the summer 'sans' car. With that in mind we searched out pet sits in cities, cities we liked. London and Brighton! Pet sits in these locations were high demand so we were super grateful when chosen for good some ones! We applied for over forty sits in all and were accepted for seven! Anyway, I digress! We spent the summer ping ponging between London and Brighton.
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UK 2019: Part 3
Hello Kensington! And 'Hello!' to Florence and Frieda! Kensington was home for a truly wonderful three weeks! Florence and Frieda were such sweethearts. They had their quirks but they were well behaved on walks (apart from when a squirrel was in sight) and great company when we stayed home. Kensington is just the best location. Kensington High Street offers all you could possibly need. Holland Park, Notting Hill, Kensington Gardens, the Albert Hall, Hyde Park and many museums are all
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UK 2019: Part 2
It's hard to know exactly what I find so welcoming and interesting about London. Maybe it's just because it's familiar! Although, London is never completely familiar - it's constantly changing! This year home took shape in places I'd never previously stayed. What fun! Highgate was one such place and Figaro was our next host! We stayed in a lovely flat just down the road from Highgate tube station. The area is a fair way out of central London but public
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UK 2019: Part 1
Spring was in full swing and May was upon us again so it was time to think about our annual escapade! As birds fly south in winter we so made our annual migration in the opposite direction (ish) for the summer. Our flights tend to be booked with whichever airline gives us the best deal, price balanced with time in the air and stopovers. We're not so loyal when it comes to air travel. We are however, pretty set in
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UK 2018: Part 6
Cornwall, the finale! Our time in Liskeard was sadly speeding to its end. We'd traveled to many a coastal town and driven through Bodmin moor on each occasion. It was now time to explore to see what we'd been passing by. Cornwall: Bodmin Moor - Caradon Hill Caradon Hill was once famous for its copper mines but these are all now closed. In its heyday, in the 19th century, the biggest copper mine in the UK was situated here. Other smaller derelict
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