Travel Blog: Week 40

Thailand Week 40: 12.08.2013 – 18.08.2013 The start of the week began with the Queens birthday, which coincidentally is mothers day (actually its no coincidence) – so the weekend was extended. It was raining which meant a later start than usual but I did get my training session in. I took the scooter for a little explore. I was hoping to find gym so I could start running again (it’s too hot and the air too polluted to run outside for


Week 40: 12.08.2013 – 18.08.2013

The start of the week began with the Queens birthday, which coincidentally is mothers day (actually its no coincidence) – so the weekend was extended. It was raining which meant a later start than usual but I did get my training session in.

I took the scooter for a little explore. I was hoping to find gym so I could start running again (it’s too hot and the air too polluted to run outside for any length of time). I didn’t find what I was looking for but did find a dirt track full of potholes which in turn were full of water and there I found a little old, very Thai, lady selling fruit. We laughed our way through some kind of conversation and I left with bags of small bananas, mangoes, avocados and passion fruit. All for a couple of quid. Down the road further it opened up and I serendipitously found the garden Market. Rows and rows of trees, shrubs, and flowering plants. Including pots of beautiful water lilies. I was in heaven. The the garden ornaments were, well, ….. quite something. I bought a fragrant plant for Waew, my landlady who wasn’t feeling great. I also found a huge Tesco but a trip there would keep for another day.




That evening Taywin and I met up with Briony and Robyn and headed for the Muay Thai stadium. Lanna gym had 2 fighters competing. It was a great night full of bruises, blood and knockouts. And that was just the girls. Both Lanna fighters won their bouts.




After my usual training session I had my first Muay Thai session. Using the pads I was shown knee and leg kicks. Its exhausting but good fun.

I took a detour on the way home to find the restaurant where I was having lunch tomorrow. I knew the vague area but wanted to ensure I was on time. I found it next to an empty lot full of fabulous graffiti.






Reassured I’d find it OK tomorrow I decided to check out the Tesco I’d discovered. It was more than one store it was a complex. Tesco was not the fun experience I had thought. I like the markets too much these days. I did buy some things I hadn’t seen elsewhere like new brushes for my electric toothbrush. What luxury. Parking wasn’t free but I could stretch to 4THB (8p). They look after your scooter and make sure no one nicks your helmet.

Dinner with Taywin then we met with Briony who was after something relaxing to smoke! The rest of the night I stayed at the bar. It was quiet and even the music volume was turned down a notch. For me perfect! One of the guys I met at the chocolate demo, Fabrice the photographer, turned up on his motorbike (a proper one with gears and everything) and we chatted a while. I gave him visa extension tips (I was becoming an expert) and Taywin kept us supplied with a string of various fruits; apple, pineapple and katon (a strange mix of apple, orange, grapefruit and sometime else I can’t explain – not sure I was entirely convinced by it).

The scooter was running on fumes last night so first stop had to be gas. Fingers crossed I’d get there. Magically when I started the scooter the gas gauge rose. Bless! I leave the key so Waew can use it when I’m not. She must have put gas in for me. Just as well as I was meeting Jane for lunch today and my training session overran. We didn’t eat at the restaurant I’d found the previous day but one just across the road. A Thai vegetarian restaurant. Yep, that’s right all you can eat and drink (fruit juice only) for 129THB. It was fantastic food – traditional thai food as well as salads, a huge range of ‘blow your head off ‘ spicy soups and tonnes of fruit. Really great to get to know Jane better too. We agreed to meet up again sometime.

As the end of the week approached I wasn’t feeling too great. Can you get a cold out here. My throat was sore, swollen lymph nodes, neck pain and a bit of a fever. Training was hard work and knocked me out, together with some night time cold remedy, for the rest of the day. The next day I felt groggy but my throat was better. I still had a fever and strangely for me no appetite. A trip to very helpful local pharmacist just around the corner and I was advised to take paracetamol, drink lots of water and sleep. That’s pretty much what I did. I woke the next day feeling a little spaced out and covered in a rash. O oh, according to the internet these are all the symptoms of dengue fever and I know two people who’ve had it. It’s carried by Mosquitos and apparently if rife in Thailand at the moment. I think this could be a mild form as I was generally feeling OK. Another trip to the pharmacy where I was totally reassured that the rash was a result of the high fever I’d had a few days ago and that antihistamine would clear the rash. I also noted from the net that the rash could be a reaction to paracetamol – I don’t usually react to paracetamol but these are new brands to me, so who knows. I spent the day inside and rested up. The rash persisted but at least I felt better. I got my appetite back too big time and craved something non Thai. I took a walk round the block and found a great pizza place selling pizza by the huge slice. One of those and a home made salad perked me up no end. Why had I not seen this place before???

The paracetamol and antihistamine I dosed up on last night didn’t seem to make any difference. I woke up looking even more spotty than yesterday and the sore throat was back. I didn’t want to train today but headed out for something light for breakfast. On my way out I saw Waew and she offered to take me to the hospital to get checked out. I had the choice of the cheap government hospital or the private one which may cost me more. I went for the private one as it was more likely to be quicker. Apparently Sunday is one of the better days to go. The process is, you register at reception and show your passport, you are given a number and await your turn for the vital signs check. I passed that and then waited again to see the Dr. She was only young and didn’t speak much English but we got through the consultation. The good news was I just had some random viral infection. There was no signs of fever and the rash would probably go of its own accord within a week. I was given the all clear but also advised I could come back if needed. It was all very slick and over within an hour. All for 400THB. After the hospital visit we met up with Leo and her Thai boyfriend (Waew’s friend Oet) at a restaurant called Birds Nest. There I also met Leo’s brother and his friend over from France. After a little snooze in my room I returned to the Birds Nest and indulged in the most amazing sandwich and vegetable juice. Bliss!


Quite enough for one week!

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