Living The Thai Life

So…….It’s been exactly 1 year and 13 weeks since I last documented my travels. I’ve kind of missed keeping a diary and so I thought I’d resurrect my blog. Life is a little different these days though and so my blog format will be a little different too. I’m no longer the nomadic backpacker. My weeks are not filled with grand adventures. I’m settled. My life is much slower and to me much more routine. But, this is Thailand after

So…….It’s been exactly 1 year and 13 weeks since I last documented my travels.

I’ve kind of missed keeping a diary and so I thought I’d resurrect my blog. Life is a little different these days though and so my blog format will be a little different too. I’m no longer the nomadic backpacker. My weeks are not filled with grand adventures. I’m settled. My life is much slower and to me much more routine. But, this is Thailand after all. Every day is filled with a little adventure which keeps my heart skipping a beat and my smile wide.

Live the life you’ve dreamed they say. Well, this is mine and I’d like to share it with you.

To give you some context let me go back a bit. When I left the UK, back in November 2012, I had planned to travel for a year and I hoped the wind would take me in a new direction. One thing I’ve learned is that plans don’t always, well, go to plan! I didn’t get quite what I expected. My year of travel turned into 18 months of travel – a term I now use pretty loosely.

I made it to the half way point by following my sketchy trip schedule. At 6 months into the trip I arrived in Thailand. Not an all together pleasant experience in southern Thailand but in the north, Chiang Mai to be precise, I found somewhere to call home for a while. That ‘while’, on and off, turned into a year, helped somewhat by dengue fever. The fever grounded me and gave me an opportunity to fall in love with the place and the people. Most of the rest of the destinations I had pencilled in for the remaining 6 months got cancelled as I immersed myself in the Thai Life.

I did return home in June 2014 but only for a visit, and not before spending 6 weeks walking the Camino de Santiago and 3 weeks in the most charming town in Camargue, southern France. I did not return alone either. I now had a partner in crime – Oliver! We spent time in and around my home town. Isn’t it strange how new eyes can bring new life and rekindled interest in somewhere familiar?? In December 2014, after putting all my affairs in order, I left the UK for a life in Thailand.

How long will I be in Thailand? I have no idea, but for now it’s home, and this is my weekly photo account of what that life looks like.

I hope you enjoy it!

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