Southern Thailand - Koh Tao and Bangkok Week 25: 29.04.2013 - 05.05.2013 Monday:- For various reasons it wasn't the best night - mostly due to a headache that came from nowhere. It therefore wasn't the fastest morning off the blocks. I took my time and read some. Around 12 I made it out. I went to the beach and had a late brekkie. Then ........ I wanted to go to the small island just off the coastline - Koh NangYuan. I
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Travel Blog: Week 24
Southern Thailand - Koh Samui Week 24: 22.04.2013 - 28.04.2013 Monday:- I woke up and decided immediately I was going to do the yoga. It meant leaving the room around 9am - that in itself was an achievement as I'm hardly out of bed by then these days let alone organised enough to be dressed and out. Anyway, I made it and met Sarah and Naomi at the Bikram class. The instructor, Helena, was Russian and very reassuring. Although she did say
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