UK 2019: Part 1

Spring was in full swing and May was upon us again so it was time to think about our annual escapade! As birds fly south in winter we so made our annual migration in the opposite direction (ish) for the summer. Our flights tend to be booked with whichever airline gives us the best deal, price balanced with time in the air and stopovers. We're not so loyal when it comes to air travel. We are however, pretty set in

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September 2017: Wing, London and back to Wing

WING We never thought our trip would extend into September but it did, and we made the most of our last month. For those who have never heard of Wing, and many have not, it's a small village in the UK set somewhere between Aylesbury and Milton Keynes. It seems to be on the border of two counties for sometimes it is claimed to be in Buckinghamshire whilst other times it is part of Bedfordshire. Either way it's within the

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