Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai Week 65: 03.02.2014 - 09.02.2014 Monday:- I think I was still a little shell shocked after all the excitement of my birthday. With the various time differences of my FB friends and family, my birthday seemed to stretch over three days. It was truly wonderful to receive face to face well wishes here in Chiang Mai but also notes from dear friends and family further afield. I took it easy today doing a workout in
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Travel Blog: Week 64
Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai Week 64: 27.01.2014 - 02.02.2014 So, this was a strange week. I got a cold, as did many people here - it's almost customary when the weather changes. The cold snap was now well behind us and the warmer days and nights were in full swing. Not only did I get a cold but one day I woke up feeling bad and spent the morning throwing up. This was not how I wanted to feel in
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Travel Blog: Week 63
Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai Week 63: 20.01.2014 - 26.01.2014 Monday:- I was up early and breakfast was just the almond croissant Leo had got me from the bakery on Saturday. I dropped into Dream House and rented a scooter. I took over 2 loads of stuff on the scooter to my new place - even remembered the way fortunately. I unpacked and sorted the room how I wanted it - after all I'd be here for 3 months. I
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Travel Blog: Week 62
Perth, Australia and Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand Week 62: 13.01.2014 - 19.01.2014 My mind seemed a little free'er this week and so I was more interested in doing things..... Monday:- I had a huge breakfast to start the day - scrambled egg on toast and a smoothie. It's scientifically proven that a good breakfast sets you up for the day. I did a home workout, managing my ten full push-ups (just!!), and then a good meditation. Today I was going to
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Travel Blog: Week 59
Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai and Australia Week 59: 23.12.2013 - 29.12.2013 Monday:- The sun was out and I took a chair, plonked it in the front garden and soaked in the warmth whilst I ate my breakfast. Coco, the dog, and the cats had settled down and calmly joined me in the sun. I really didn't want to do anything today. I had everything I needed so stayed home the sun! I did do a workout but spent the
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Travel Blog: Week 58
Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai Week 58: 16.12.2013 - 22.12.2013 Monday:- It worked a treat. I'd fallen asleep reading and woke after a wonderfully deep 6 hours of sleep. I felt a new women - maybe the anti-histamine helped! I was also left alone and so didn't get up until 8. Just an apple for breakfast as I'd finished my supplies. I headed out to town, thankfully the bike started first time - I was too far from town to get
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Travel Blog: Week 57
Chiang Mai Week 57: 09.12.2013 - 15.12.2013 Monday:- I woke early again knowing it was the morning to move out. Breakfast was small using up the remnants from the fridge. I packed up my two main backpacks, slung one on my back the other on my front and balanced us all on the scooter. I got to Dream House in good time and surprisingly early for me. However, there was a bit of a mix up, a break down in communication.
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Travel Blog: Week 56
Chiang Mai Week 56: 02.12.2013 - 08.12.2013 Monday:- Still feeling a little raw around the edges this morning I had a lazy breakfast, updated my blog, sent emails and did a workout. Today I reached my goal of 10 proper push ups! It's been a long time coming! I made myself lunch then relaxed on the bed and watched a movie called 'In Time'. I thought it was surprisingly good and the concept of time being currency was very enlightening. I
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Travel Blog: Week 55
Chiang Mai Week 55: 25.11.2013 - 01.12.2013 Monday:- I had another double whammy massage session with Shaku this morning. I had breakfast early and then set off. It's a relaxing experience for the mind, body and soul and I get a two hour treatment for around £10! Shaku was free for the early afternoon and as we were both hungry we went in search for somewhere for lunch. Our first choice was closed so we ended up at Bird's Nest for
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Travel Blog: Week 47
Bali: Ubud - and back to Chiang Mai Week 47: 30.09.2013 - 06.10.2013 Monday:- I woke with very mixed feelings. Deciding to give up my round the world ticket had left me with a sense of relief but also some in trepidation - why? I've no idea as logically I knew I could always book a flight. I guess I was just out of my comfort zone. Gusti seemed happy to know I was staying - bless him, it meant the
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