Travel Blog: Week 62

Perth, Australia and Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand Week 62: 13.01.2014 - 19.01.2014 My mind seemed a little free'er this week and so I was more interested in doing things..... Monday:- I had a huge breakfast to start the day - scrambled egg on toast and a smoothie. It's scientifically proven that a good breakfast sets you up for the day. I did a home workout, managing my ten full push-ups (just!!), and then a good meditation. Today I was going to

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Travel Blog: Week 61

Australia Week 61: 06.01.2014 - 12.01.2014 This week was pretty much one of reading (I clocked up a number of books including the delightful 'Alchemist' which follows a young shepherd through his journey to discover his life purpose!!!) sunbathing and contemplation. I still seemed to have things on my mind and needed time to consider them and hopefully let them go. Having Ange and Nigel around helped as I could talk through things, and their wise words seem to still the

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Travel Blog: Week 60

Australia Week 60: 30.12.2013 - 05.01.2014 Monday:- I didn't sleep too well - too warm! Can you believe it!!! I lounged in bed for way too long and eventually got up around 10. I made a smoothie - coconut water (of course), mango, banana, kale and ginger. And to ensure I had a balanced breakfast I also had buttered toast. I showered, changed and meditated. It had been way too long since my last one. It was a beautiful day and

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Travel Blog: Week 59

Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai and Australia Week 59: 23.12.2013 - 29.12.2013 Monday:- The sun was out and I took a chair, plonked it in the front garden and soaked in the warmth whilst I ate my breakfast. Coco, the dog, and the cats had settled down and calmly joined me in the sun. I really didn't want to do anything today. I had everything I needed so stayed home the sun! I did do a workout but spent the

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