Travel Blog: Week 22

Singapore and Thailand Week 22: 08.04.2013 - 14.04.2013 Monday:- Woke up feeling knackered. I need to get a proper night's sleep. I was moving on today. The breakfast room was heaving and so I decided to wash and dress. The shower room was set up for someone with a disability and the water sprayed everywhere and the room flooded. No ventilation either - so far none of the rooms have had a window. Wet feet and tiled floors is not a

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Travel Blog: Week 21

Australia, Singapore and other places Week 21: 01.04.2013 - 07.04.2013 Monday:- Not feeling at my best today, so I dosed up on just about every type of vitamin supplement, throat gargle, herbal tea and headache tablet I could find and went back to bed. I even missed a trip to the tropical fish shop. The second of the Crawley's fish tanks was back in action and they bought some guppies, hoping they would settle in and breed. Watch this space for

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