Northern Thailand – Chiang Mai Week 72: 24.03.2014 – 30.03.2014 Monday:- After a lazy morning I headed into town to meet with Dennis, Honor, Oli, and …..Richard at Blue Diamond. A final goodbye! Richard left after Honor did a quick Numberology reading to get his flight and the rest of us stayed to have lunch. It was threatening to rain. The winds were up and the trees were flexing quite violently. Just when we thought we’d be sheltering at Blue Diamond
Northern Thailand – Chiang Mai
Week 72: 24.03.2014 – 30.03.2014
After a lazy morning I headed into town to meet with Dennis, Honor, Oli, and …..Richard at Blue Diamond. A final goodbye!
Richard left after Honor did a quick Numberology reading to get his flight and the rest of us stayed to have lunch. It was threatening to rain. The winds were up and the trees were flexing quite violently. Just when we thought we’d be sheltering at Blue Diamond for a while the winds dropped and the skied clearer. All without a drop of rain. Time to get whilst the goings good.
The rain set in. Time for a stint in front of the TV and a quiet night.
The pollution and smoke levels (its the burning season up in the hills) were bad over Chiang Mai. I holed up at home and took the time for more blog work, laundry and housework.
There were two highlights – Ocean called in and I had a liaison with one big spider. Ocean was much more interesting and less creepy!
So after a couple of days of not really very much at all, I woke pretty early…and stayed awake.
Ocean can round for an early morning catch up before we both started our day. I met Honor for breakfast around 9 – sadly she had sprained her foot during yesterday’s Muay Thai training. Consequently, she couldn’t ride her scooter. We doubled up and I took her to DinDee, at the other end of Nimman, for a change. First time for me to have French fries for breakfast. The food is veggie and, apart from chips, pretty healthy – although they do get desserts!
Next stop was to KSK. Honor was leaving for a short trip to KL and India the following morning and wanted to buy a wheelie suitcase – nothing like leaving it to the last minute. Anyway, we hobbled (well Honor did) around the mall and checked out a few places for cases. Oli joined us and despite having to go up two more painful floors we checked out another few places. Eventually we had success, and thanks to Oli’s Thai a great discount too. All this hobbling had caused Honor’s foot to swell and so we took up residence at one of the comfy coffee shops for a while. Honor decided she should get her foot checked out before she went away. Turns out she had a hairline fracture!!!
A short walk round the corner to the swanky RAM hospital. We waited until Honor had registered then left her, and her huge new suitcase, to be seen. Oli and I went on to the pool where we met Leo. This is turning into the new social hub!
Leo left Oli and I at the pool so she could attend a final rehearsal. The Gate Theatre were doing a reading of the Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Leo had the small challenge of reading 28 parts within the performance! I joined her at the venue, Food4Thought, shortly after. The ticket price included a healthy, light 3 course meal and a glass of Kombucha. I met Christy there and we shared a table – together with a last minute arrival, an American guy in his 60s.
It was a great way to spend an evening, although the audience participation part was a tad scary – very entertaining! Leo stole the show – but then I am bias (sorry Leo but you were AWESOME!) By 8 it was all wrapped up and we scootered into town for Tea Tree jam night.
Then home and bed.
I pollution was really bad today and so it was time to take some action.
Oli and I decided to take another trip out of town. Most of the cats had already left Chiang Mai and we were going to follow suit. Not just a few days this time but away for a few weeks. After considering a number of options we decided to go south to one of the islands for some ocean breezes and fresh air.
In the evening I went to a bar called Baan Din, which translated means mud house. It was Matt’s 40th birthday party and I joined a number of others to celebrate the event. The bar, despite its name, was funky and very happening and yes it was made of mud – uber stylish! I guess I should have expected that as it was in the Nimman area. I did actually know quite a few people, although talking was almost impossible over the music. Doosh, doosh, doosh!!
After a while I said my farewells and headed home. One of the things I love about this place is you can buy fruit from just about anywhere and at just about any time. I stopped at a roadside place and filled my little scooter basket and was on my way.
I had an early breakfast before Ocean came round – just like the coffee mornings my Mum used to have. Lol! Obviously everything was right with the world once we’d finished chatting.
I took a trip down to the Royal Project to buy a few things. I’d eaten pretty much everything in the cupboards and fridge but just needed some things for the next few days.
I booked my flight down south. Oli had left this morning. I needed a couple of extra days to pack up here and say some farewells. I would catch my Bangkok flight home on April 16th straight from the beach.
I made my Royal Project inspired lunch and sat for meditation. Had been pretty lapse over the past few days.
The afternoon was spent deciding what I could leave here when I went home. There was quite a pile – not surprised? Really?
Leo and I met up at Ocean’s that evening. We were having a last meal together. And to celebrate we went somewhere new – Magical Garden. And it was magical and so was the food. OMG!
Another early morning wake up – I couldn’t sleep in as my head was filling with the tasks needed to be finished today so I could head off for the airport in the morning.
I had breakfast, which took well over an hour as I was so distracted and kept forgetting to eat!
It felt weird packing away my things. Most I would leave here in the hope my baggage to the beach and home would be within limit.
I took some things down to the storage area. I’d do the rest once I’d finalise tomorrow.
I went out to Sangdee for one. I heard the final song of Clare’s choir – she was back from Burma for the weekend. After more farewells Leo, Gilia, Grit and I went to lunch at Pun Pun. It turned into an almost all afternooner. I left the table early, used the ATM, and then dropped by the old town to speak to Waew. She was surprised I was leaving so we had a good chat.
Back home to finish off my packing and do some last minute laundry. It’s the last bits which takes the time.
I made myself dinner using as many things from the fridge as possible and then caught up on this weeks blog. Oh, and a quick call home for Mother’s Day.